Riding surface care
Longevity through care
Maintenance service
BOHLMANN REITBÖDEN offers the service of regularly servicing and maintaining your riding surface with our own machines and determining the condition of the footing. Individual recommendations are then made. Of course, this does not relieve you completely - because regular clearing after riding is indispensable for the long-term maintenance and suitability of the riding surface, as is keeping the floor regularly moist. Otherwise bacteria and fungi can form, which can enter the respiratory tract in fine dust (if the ground is too dry). Equally important is the regular straightening (by means of a grader) and, if necessary, the milling of the riding surface. Our maintenance contracts help you to use your riding surface optimally for a long time.
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Different soils need different care
Depending on the type of ground, the necessary care differs. Whether you have to care for a sandy surface with a special riding surface mixture or a turf layer, we will provide you with the most important care instructions so that you can enjoy your riding surface for as long as possible!